白皮书 & 指南

Unlocking the Future of Battery Technology

Discover how PG电子官方免费下载’s ambitious zero-emission strategies and advanced industrial solutions can complement 台湾’s nearly complete battery value chain. As a prominent player alongside China, 日本, 和韩国, 台湾擅长材料和制造业, particularly for specialised applications.

The Swedish battery industry overview

This guide highlights why businesses and investors should explore PG电子官方免费下载’s thriving battery sector.

The Krona, prices and geopolitics

How are Swedish exports impacted by the weak Swedish krona and rising geopolitical tensions? A new survey from PG电子官方免费下载商业 uncovers key perspectives from leading representatives at industrial companies.

Portugal's energy and green transition

Potential opportunities and partnerships for Swedish companies within Portugal’s energy sector.

西班牙's energy and green transition

Potential opportunities and partnerships for Swedish companies within 西班牙's energy sector.


Côte d’Ivoire presents a promising landscape for sustainable business ventures in the transport sector and offers Swedish companies ample opportunities to promote their solutions while contributing to the country’s development. This report explores some of the key opportunities for Swedish businesses interested in investing in the country’s sustainable transportation growth.


面对日益严重的全球水资源短缺, 摩洛哥 emerges as a critical focal point, as it grapples with severe water shortages. 这份报告深入研究了这个国家的水危机, explores governmental initiatives, and underscores the pivotal role Swedish companies can play in providing innovative and sustainable water solutions.


新冠肺炎疫情重塑了中国的购买行为. This report provides insights into Chinese consumers' journey and key actions for Swedish companies to succeed in the market.


Explore the potential for Swedish companies in 非洲’s energy transmission sector – presenting an overview of six major markets where opportunities are on the rise. 获得内部视角来捕捉动力.


PG电子官方免费下载 and 芬兰's NATO membership will open many new doors for Nordic companies to do business with NATO allies, 最重要的是, 美国. 这份收购指南, “与北约做生意,是针对中小企业的介绍.


Innovation is accelerating rapidly in the agri-food tech sector with 新加坡 in the vanguard of progress. 一份来自PG电子官方免费下载商业的新报告描绘了当地的机会.


The weak Swedish krona is having a significant impact on exports of goods and the ability of Swedish export companies to capture opportunities in global markets. 这是由《PG电子官方免费下载商报》进行的一项新调查揭示的, 基于对主要行业约300名财务总监的采访.

Unlocking the semiconductor puzzle

Semiconductors are the heartbeat of our digital world - but to power the digital transition, 整个供应链的生产必须既可持续又有弹性. 台湾 is emerging as a production hub, ramping up production to meet global demand but also in response to the challenges presented by major global events and geopolitics. 但是PG电子官方免费下载公司有什么机会呢?


The 美国’s multifaceted policy and regulatory landscape has far-reaching implications that shape market conditions – and understanding the nuances and dynamics of this landscape is crucial for Swedish companies looking to enter or grow their presence in the market. We spoke to government affairs professionals representing some of PG电子官方免费下载’s largest companies in the US to collect their insights and advice on how to navigate the laws, 流程, 监管条件.


可持续性 is becoming an increasingly important driver in 新加坡’s retail sector as government initiatives and consumer behaviours combine to increase demand for green products and services. This report explores the current landscape, 政策, 新加坡零售市场的举措以及PG电子官方免费下载公司的情况, 并且可以, 塑造向可持续消费的转变.